Monday, December 14, 2009

Tis the season to be Jolly....

It's beginning  to feel a lot like Christmas...everywhere I go...'s been a while since my last post, and I apologize for that. I've wrapped up the last of my shows for the year. can still purchase some goods from Etsy.

I have been playing with my gocco, and I'm pleased on how *most of the cards turned out.

I'm going to be working with my son, Max to start gocco printing Valentines Cards.


Here are some of the cards that I've created via the gocco.. if you see some you like, just lemme know...

When you get the time...won't you drop me a line...won't you write me a letter...when you're felling better... Drop me a line:

Because, I'm your biggest Fan... yes.

Hi Friend.

And of course....
Wow, that's a nifty gifty! Thanks for the Nifty Gifty.

I have some pink ribbon cards left over from Cincy Pink Fest.